Getting started
Step by step
Step 1: create a Collection
Step 2: upload your Garment
Step 3: create your Render
Step 4: download your Render
Creating Garments for the best Renders
Quality assurance team
Choosing your output
How Templates work
Overview of Templates
Standardized Naming
Simulating on Avatar
Garment Category
Wonder how to get started with Twyle? Follow our step-by-step guide to create your Collection, upload your Garment, submit it for rendering and finally download your images.
Read our recommendations for Garments that deliver the best render results. We also share tips on fixing issues with exporting Garments.
Use our library of curated Templates, made to simplify your 3D rendering journey. Templates standardize key visual elements such as lighting, shadows, margins and backgrounds - regardless of the garments you're rendering.
Our freemium subscription for Individuals gives you an easy start to rendering with access to our curated library of Templates. Enterprise clients will be interested in our customizations, for example for Templates and naming.